Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Lightsabers zipped fiercely around during the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin's hatred consumed every fiber of his being as he screamed in anger. Anakin's black attire and wicked eyes demonstrated his evil nature and dark thoughts. Hot lava covered the landscape of the battle. Sweat dripped down their faces, as they fought with their lightsabers. Obi-Wan severed Anakins arms and legs with the quick swipe of his weapon. Blood spewed out of Anakin's mouth as he yelled in pain and agony. The stench of burning flesh filled the air, as Anakin's body laid in the red hot lava. Darth Sidious then took Anakin to a rehibilitation center where machines saved his. Darth Vader's robotic voice and robotic-like movents symbolizes his complete transfiguration. Hatred consumed Darth Vader's inner being as he sought to kill with his bare hands anyone who opposes him. Vader will never forget the smell of his burning flesh and the wounds Obi-Wan gave to him.


Darth Vader's being is that of a thunderstorm. Before a storm, the skies are clear and all everything is calm and pleasant. Anakin Skywalker as a child was calm and happy with ambitions to become a Jedi. Just as the sky becomes dark and gloomy, did Anakin during his transformation to the Dark Side. Anakin began to disobey the Jedi teachings and started to become interested in the ways of the Sith. Things were looking gloomy and dismal, and then the inevitable happened; Darth Vader turned into the fierce storm.

Darth Vader unleashed his lightning bolts and raging winds unto the rebellion against the empire. The Dark Side of the Force enabled Vader to take many lives just as a fierce thunderstorm leave victims for dead. A thunderstorm dies out after awhile, along with Darth Vader's hate and anger. In Vader's last moments of life he calmed down and turned back to Anakin.