Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cause and Effect

Unfortunately, Darth Vader's lightsaber broke in a battle with a Jedi rebel. Darth Vader, being the wise man that he is, pondered the influences for his weapon to suddenly break. Of the numerous influences of the incident, one might have been how Vader had not properly taken care of the lightsaber or he forgot to charge his lightsaber the night before. Another reason for the event could have been the fact that Darth Vader's lightsaber was overly used and too old to be used for combat. Darth Vader became very angry when his lightsaber broke. Or possibly, Darth Vader recieved a fatal blow to the legs. One can even say that preceding the broken lightsaber event, Darth Vader surrendered and turned back to the Light Side of the force. So as the reader can see, there can be various influences and outcomes to one certain event, not just one cause and one event.

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